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Occupy All Streets: Olympic Urbanism and Contested Futures in Rio de Janeiro


Occupy All Streets: Olympic Urbanism and Contested Futures in Rio de Janeiro


Bruno Carvalho, Mariana Cavalcanti and Vyjayanthi Rao Venuturupalli, Editors

Contributors: Bruno Carvalho, Mariana Cavalcanti with Julia O’Donnell and Lilian Sampaio, Gabriel Duarte with Renata Bertol, Beatriz Jaguaribe with Scott Salmon, Guilherme Lassance, Bryan McCann, Theresa Williamson, and Vyjayanthi Rao Venuturupalli

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Occupy All Streets: Olympic Urbanism and Contested Futures in Rio de Janeiro analyzes the implications of mega-projects connected to Rio's transformation for the 2016 Olympic Games. Contributions from literary critics, historians, anthropologists, architects, media theorists, geographers and urban planners tell the story of how these changes to the cityscape have kindled citizens’ hopes and aspirations for their “right to a future” and chronicle the ways in which citizens have contested the futures being imposed on them. Anticipating the city yet to come, these essays also point to the potential for activism and protest to transform the Olympic legacy into different, more democratic, futures. While focused on Rio, Occupy All Streets offers critical insights for other cities experiencing wide-ranging challenges and facing far-reaching urban reforms. 

Bruno Carvalho specializes in intersections between urban development and culture. He is Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese at Princeton University, and co-directs the Princeton-Mellon Initiative in Architecture, Urbanism, and the Humanities. 

Mariana Cavalcanti has published extensively on housing, urbanism and public policy and co-directed the 2012 documentary film, Favela Fabril. She is Associate Professor in the Sociology Department of the Institute of Social and Political Studies at the State University of Rio de Janeiro.


Vyjayanthi Rao Venuturupalli works on cities after globalization on the intersections of urban planning, design, art, violence, and speculation in contemporary urbanism.  She is the Director of Terreform Center for Advanced Urban Research in New York and teaches Urban Anthropology at the Spitzer School of Architecture, City College of New York. 

"Occupy All Streets is a brilliant and searing indictment of the injustice, violence, militarisation, elitism and mind-boggling waste inherent in planning and organizing Rio as host city of the 2016 Olympics. Through punchy prose and superb visual material, its contributors expose the myths that sustain mega-event urbanism; draw out the deep histories of branding Rio as an aesthetically exceptional city; and, most important of all, explore the possibilities that exist for organizing megacities more justly. An extraordinary book!" --- Stephen Graham, Professor of Cities and Society, Newcastle University, author of Cities Under Siege: The New Military Urbanism

"The word play in the title expresses with rare felicity how Occupy All Streets delivers much more than it promises. The book brings together vital voices, in times of renewed disputes over the essential principle of all streets belonging to everyone, as we make and live our cities (and citizenship). Occupy All Streets speaks in new ways about the always emblematic Rio and its counterparts around the world. Its contributions could not be more timely and indispensable, combining varied perspectives in its critiques, and pointing toward viable urban futures that, unlike the Olympics, will certainly have to be shared, and built on common ground." --- José Marcelo Zacchi, Founding Director of Casa Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro

"Ocupar Todas As Ruas: Urbanismo Olímpico e Futuro Questionado no Rio de Janeiro analisa as consequências de mega projetos relacionados às mudanças do Rio de Janeiro em decorrência dos Jogos Olímpicos 2016."  --- Livro Questiona Olimpíada e Seu Legado Para o Rio de Janeiro (August 1, 2016), Jornal do Brasil


216 pages, black and white, includes maps and photographs, softcover, 6” x 9”, ISBN 978-0-9960041-7-6, printed in the United States, 2016.


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